Steam vs Sauna
Sauna,  Steam Room

Steam vs Sauna : Is a steam bath or sauna better for you?

There is sometimes confusion between the terms ‘steam bath’ and ‘sauna.’ Many people think they refer to the same thing. Not so. Even though they both are hot baths, a sauna uses dry heat while a steam bath uses moist heat.

The sauna has very low humidity. This means it can be much hotter than a steam bath. Saunas are usually between 80°C and 100°C while a steam bath is usually about 40°C. If the steam bath was any hotter than this it could scald the skin, but the dry heat of the sauna is safe.

Saunas are heated with stones placed on some kind of heater — usually electric or wood-burning. From time to time, water is poured on the stones which produce a thick cloud of steam. This has the effect of raising the temperature in the sauna by several degrees, but the steam quickly dissipates.

Steam baths, on the other hand, are heated by a steam generator. The steam is fed into the almost airtight room where it builds up to create a humidity level of around 100%.

The different type of heat determines the type of materials that saunas and steam baths can be made of. Saunas are usually wood-lined and have wooden benches to sit on. They are insulated to retain the heat but there is no concern about moisture damage to the outside structure.

Steam baths need to be made to contain the moisture created by the steam. They are usually finished in ceramic tile and the ceiling must be slanted so that the steam buildup does not drip from the ceiling onto the bathers.

Tip! Along with the many other added benefits of steam showers, medical professionals say that steam stimulates the lymphatic system increasing blood circulation and speeds up the metabolism which can aid in weight loss and improve the overall look of the body. Among the positive therapeutic affects that a steam shower has is on the immune system causing the body to produce more white blood cells.

Advantages / Disadvantages

Both saunas and steam baths have therapeutic benefits. They are good for blood circulation and can cleanse and rejuvenate the skin through heavy perspiration. They are good for easing muscle tension and promoting feelings of relaxation and well-being.

Some people find the dry heat of the sauna to be uncomfortable to breathe. Those with respiratory problems like sinus congestion and asthma may prefer the moist heat of the steam bath. Steam inhalation is often used for treating bronchitis, sinusitis and allergies so people with these conditions may benefit from steam baths.
Tip! There are a few things to be considered when you install a steam shower at your place. First and foremost is that shower-enclosure walls and ceilings must be covered entirely with water-resistant materials, such as ceramic tile or stone.

If you are thinking of installing either a sauna or a steam bath in your home, there are several considerations to keep in mind. Generally speaking, saunas are easier to build and require less material and labor than a steam bath. You can buy self enclosed steam baths, however, which can be easily installed in any bathroom. These cut down on construction and installation costs.

Both types of bath can be installed in a small space. Pre-built saunas can be placed in a bedroom or basement and can be put together in less than half an hour. Steam bath enclosures are usually installed in a bathroom and require the services of a plumber to connect the steam generator.

If you plan on converting an existing bathroom into a steam bath, all the walls and ceilings of the bathroom must be finished with a material like ceramic tile to prevent moisture from escaping. The room has to be airtight with only a small opening at the bottom of the door to allow a fresh air intake.
Tip! Your own steam shower may be a great way to nurse your health problems. If you suffer from dry skin, arthritis, cancer, and many other illnesses you may find that a steam shower or sauna is a great way to deal with your disease.


Both saunas and steam baths require relatively little maintenance. The steam bath simply needs to be washed with a ceramic tile cleaner once a week or so, and the sauna can be vacuumed or swept out occasionally. The natural wood of the sauna can become stained after a while, but the stains can be removed with light sanding or by washing the wood with an acidic solution.

I am a sauna enthusiast and I love wood-fired saunas for their traditional feel, possibility for installation anywhere without worrying about electrical access and ability to reach high temperatures.